Should I give him up?

I have never had a long term relationship. I was single for a long time and absolutely enjoyed the freedom that came with it. I’ve been with my bf for five months now and I’m starting to realize that he’s been trying to change me from who I am in a very subtle way. Sometimes he judges (not in a mean way) my look, my personal style, my way of interacting with people, or how I spend too much time on my career. Subconsciously I want to please him so I realize I am changing myself to his preferences, which is not what I want to do.

He is really nice to me and treats me well(so do I). We love and care about each other and we always communicate, but I sense that there are many fundamental things different between us. He doesn’t get my jokes, doesn’t understand my passions or values, we don’t think alike and he demands a lot from me. I cannot truly be myself around him and that exhausts me. We could be holding hands and sleeping next to each other but still so distant apart. I never feel mentally connected to him in a deep level if that makes sense.

Am I being difficult? Should I try to make things work or let it go sooner than later because deep down I am longing for a soulmate and I know he’s not the one?

I love him and I do not want to hurt him.

Please give me some thoughts&advices thanks!❤️🙏🏻