Should I be upset about this gift

My friend and I both have babies that turned 1 this past month. We both created amazon “wishlists” for gift ideas. I didn’t advertise mine much because I didn’t want people to feel like they needed to use it, but she definitely knew about it and she has the link to it.

My friend had her son’s party about a month before my daughter’s. I bought him 5 things off of their wishlist. I did not expect her to spend as much as I did, but I wanted to get him things he needed, didn’t already have, and also stuff the parents wanted him to have.

On the day of my daughter’s party, she texts me that her and her son both have a cough and can’t come. I was understanding because no one wants to spread germs this time of the year. Then on Monday, she gives me my daughter’s gifts. She gave her bows that someone gave her before she knew she was having a boy, a sippy cup she ordered for her son that accidentally came in pink, and this floor piano that is for 3 years + (for small components that could be a choking hazard). The piano also appears to be regifted. No gift receipt either.

I’m trying not to be ungrateful, but I feel a little insulted that she gave my daughter all regifted items that she couldn’t use, even though she knew I did a lot for her son. It’s not about how much money she spent. I’d be happy with a $5 gift that was picked out with my daughter in mind. Do I have a right to be upset about this?