I feel like my boyfriend of 6 years hates me

I cant help but feel like my 6 year long relationship is hopeless to save. I am belittled by him daily and I'm at my breaking point. Over the last few years , all we have argued about was money and finances. I have had a hard time finding work over 30 hours a week so I take what I can get. He is always patronizing me. Everytime I speak he brings up money. Today, I decided to be nice and take him to breakfast. We went and on the way home, we crossed a lake we live near with gorgeous homes. I said "I would Love to live right here on the lake its gorgeous" and he goes " yeah well you have to actually WORK to live there," and then he smirks at me.... since then we have been arguing about money money money.. can I not mention ANYTHING without it being a concern if money!? We arent broke, we have been affording all we have with a little extra so I dont understand why he has to belittle me. He tells his family and everyone that I'm lazy and cannot work more etc.. he works 2 jobs and still only works 30 hours but ye gets paid good . He could also be working 40+ hours but decided not to be. The job he has , I got him. I convinced my old boss to Hire him . He has always been the type of person who doesnt want to work and sit at home. Just recently hes been working there... I also cannot help but feel like he doesnt truly want me forever.. he says he does but his actions do not admit it. I have asked him why hasn't he asked me to marry him, after 6+ years together?? He said he wants to marry me but isnt ready... it's my dream to marry the man I love and have kids. I was told by my obgyn that I might not be able to soon have kids if I dont do it soon because of my health conditions. He didnt seem to care. hes stated that we dont need to have kids but he fails to see that it is one of the only things I want in life and the fact that it's super important to me doesnt matter to him... I finally got the courage to ask why he wont have kids with me. He said and I quote "you are just too big. I will not get you pregnant until you're under 150lbs because then you'll be huge and never lose the weight..." that truly was one of the worst things I have heard... I asked why he wouldn't marry me?? If you tell me you want to be with me forever then what's the issue??? It clicked that if he didnt want to have kids until I got skinny maybe that's the reason for not marrying me? I asked him "wait a minute.... so you wont have kids with me because I'm too fat, is that the same reason as to why you haven't married me?!" He laughed like it was hilarious he was cracking up ... he said it could be partially why.. it's just been weighing on me if we should end it all now before it gets worse? I've tried for years to better our relationship and it's gotten nowhere. I don't know what I should do.