Doctors anyone else????


So I currently have a male main doctor, who I see for hypertension which is genetic. This week I once again brought up about conceiving how I tried for 2 years now with no success I even started with I know it could be my weight and I have lost 1 stone and a half over 10 weeks so working on that. I mentioned that it's hard for me to measure and emotionally draining as recently my periods have not been regular for a years he done pcos test 2 years ago when I brought it up. He completely brushed off my conversation saying I have to work out when I would ovulate and book a blood test when I asked him how can I do that considering one month my cycle was 32 days the next 21 days and as extreme as 248 days he literally just went work out the average from it easy. I don't want to waste the doctor surgeries time booking a test for an average date as I don't like wasting their time as it is. I even saw a female doctor 4 months ago who done an internal exam and just went there is no reason for u not to be regular.

Am I being silly but I feel like I should ring up the surgery and ask to speak to the fertility specialist there....