Strep during delivery advice


Possible trigger warning, rough delivery

FTM On the 8th my water broke at 5:36 pm on it’s own after getting my membrane sweep done. When I got to the hospital they said the fluid looked slightly green colored showing that baby had pooped inside but they didn’t think I needed a c-section because it wasn’t extremely dark. At 5:02am on the 9th I had my baby girl. When she came out the cord was around her neck twice and she wasn’t breathing on her own. They had trouble getting her breathing and had to take her to the nursery. She was on oxygen al of yesterday (9th) and last night but she was finally able to come off and breath on her own this morning. It was found that she had an infection but they weren’t sure what it was right away but order a blood culture. We just got the results back and she’s positive for strep. I got tested during my pregnancy and it came back negative so they think they somehow got a false negative or the lab messed something up. I was told that my baby will need to be transferred to a different hospital because of the strep and that she will need a spinal tap as well to see if the infection has made its way to her spinal fluid yet. Has anyone else had their baby have strep right after birth and if so what happened and what did your baby’s pediatrician decide to do for treatment? I’m so worried and I really don’t know what to do right now so any advice would be helpful. Thank you all so much in advance