Diapers/pull ups nothing holds her pee!

My 2 year old is mostly potty trained. She'll use the potty at home. We're still struggling at night and when we go out.

We've tried multiple brands and sizes of diapers and pull ups day and night brands and nothing holds her pee. She pees once and it's all over her!

We put a pad on her bed but she's still just laying in her pee all night. We change her when she wakes up, but we also have to change her sheets and blankets.

We dont give her anything to drink after dinner. The most she gets is a half a sippy cup of milk if she's having a hard time going to sleep. She just pees so much!

Any recommendations on diapers or anything to keep her pee in at night or when we go out? I have to wash her carseat cover at least once a week to get the pee out.