Incompetent Cervix and Premature delivery!


Hi ladies, im Gabbie I’m 23w5d pregnant with my rainbow babygirl

I just found out yesterday that I have an incompetent cervix and that it is shortening at a rapid rate. I’ve been in and out of the hospital for my contractions but I have yet to dilate. I was told I will need to take progesterone daily now to try to keep my rainbow babygirl in till term (we’re hoping to try to keep her in till 36 weeks), and if I start to dilate I will need a cerclage. Last Friday my cervix was measuring 3.1cm and yesterday it was at 2.8cm. I’m told I will continue to have contractions till I give birth and they will only get stronger the further along I go. I have no idea what to expect and I’m concerned for my baby girl. I have a few questions I’m hoping you ladies could possibly answer for me?...

1. How far along can you typically make it with an incompetent cervix?

2. When should I pack my hospital bag and is there any preemie specific items I should put in it?

3. How can I try to relieve stress and keep her in longer?

If any of you have story’s that could help me out I’d love to hear them❤️

Some pictures of my journey so far..