17 day old refusing to nap.. growth spurt??


When he was about a little over a week we think he had a growth spurt. Super fussy, was breast feeding every 15-20 at night time. This only lasted about 48 hours. But today he woke up around 830am and has barely slept since! Idk what I'm doing. I know he's definitely getting enough milk (he's also bottle feed) he has a clean diaper) I wait till he gets a little sleepy after a feeding and I will lay him down to nap. And he'll probably close his eyes for about 5 minutes and then starts getting fidgety and starts screaming😫 I feel like he's past the point of being tired and fussy and that's why he won't fall asleep? Is this another growth spurt? It's just weird to me, because it's happening during the day, and not at night time, like it was before.