HELP My toddler has a cold sore & I'm breastfeeding

First, I'm so fucking angry and upset and so sad that this is the case. At least I think it is. I couldn't get in at the doctor today.

I don't have cold sores/never have. My mother-in-law does and so does my husband.

Two days ago I thought maybe he had bitten his lip or hit it or something, but as of today it looks more like an actual cold sore.

Has anyone dealt with this? He isn't even 2 yet. I nurse him to bed every night still but I'm worried that he could give me a cold sore which I could in the future give to the next kiddo I have if I'm able to get pregnant again--which could KILL a newborn.

Has anyone had to navigate this before? Advice? Please!

If you have a photo of your kiddo with a cold sore, please share. I hope I am wrong.

I keep trying to share a photo but I can't get the photo to upload.


I'm trying to navigate him having an open, weeping sore on his mouth when I breastfeed. While I understand that many of you think it's not a big deal that he HAS it, I have been doing research and you CAN get it on your nipples, and it CAN kill a newborn. Actual advice is what I'm looking for. (Really really thank you those of you that are).

I know it's not the end of the world for him, but it also, it took my 7 years, thousands of dollars, tons of appointments, pills and shots to even get pregnant. This is my first and only after multiple miscarriages. I have a right to be upset that my innocent one year old was given herpes and will have to deal with it for the rest of his life.

Additional edit: I AM planning to have more kids (if I can, of it works) and I want to breastfeed them. I can't do that if I have cold sores on my nipples. I know my son will "be okay" but he will have an additional health issue to deal with that many people don't. Of course I don't want that for him. They surface when there's stress or illness--so on top of being sick or really stressed out, he'll also have a nasty sore on his face. Other kids might see it and make fun of him.

Solutions and information I've found thus far in case anyone else is dealing with this:

Everyone does NOT have this virus, but about 50% of people do.

It CAN be fatal to infants due to their immature immune systems. A first breakout in an infant or toddler can go all over the body, inside the mouth and throat--much like hand, foot, mouth disease.

It is contagious before it is visible and while it is weeping.

Zinc in diaper cream topically applied can help shorten the lifespan of the sore. (Good luck getting your toddler to stay still and not rub it off immediately after)

I found these little "cold sore bandages" that have medicine ON them. Walmart, Amazon and Walgreens carry them, but even the stores don't have them IN the store. They're little skin colored medicated circles. My theory is that that might work better than the cream which gets rubbed off almost immediately.

We bought liquid bandaid and put it on his lip after brushing teeth but before breastfeeding.

Alcohol is supposed to kill the virus in contact. We got an alcohol pray bottle from Walgreens and I'm using it as extra sanitation. He puts his fingers in his mouth, but the alcohol makes them taste bad so hopefully that will discourage him. I also spray my boobs before and after nursing.

Elderberry is supposed to be antiviral and help shorten the lifespan, so we're having it mixed into plain yogurt and oatmeal.

... Still working on more

Photos: it started Thursday as just kind of a red mark--well 2.

Friday they looked to be yellow and kind of blister:

(I'm really trying to upload the photo but it doesn't show up in the folder and I can't figure out how or why)
