Possible chemical pregnancy



This sucks! Possible chemical pregnancy! Had a positive pregnancy test this morning n started bleeding a couple hours later but when I wiped and it was pinkish and then brown n then bright red n now it's back to brown but only when I wipe. Hoping this is just implantation bleeding as I'm 12dpo today. Top cheapie very faint line from about 5 mins ago n frer from this morning with fmu! Hoping that its implantation cause if not this would be my 2nd chemical pregnancy in less then a year. Drs appt monday morning so I'm praying that I get through these next couple of days! But I'm sure I'll be testing until monday!

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Posted at
Sorry, if you’ve already gotten a positive then it’s not implantation bleeding, as you’ve already implanted.


Posted at
Implantation isn’t red either 😕