14 month old keeps vomiting!

Picked my son up at daycare and he seemed fine. Fed him dinner, bath, then bottle. Then he started vomiting before we put him to bed. A lot. But after he was done throwing up he was his normal happy self again. We all ate the same thing for dinner and the rest of the family is fine. He threw up again about 30 min after we cleaned him up and laid him down. Then a few more times but the vomit is less and less and now he is just dry heaving. It’s so sad to watch 😢.

So far I have given him 4oz of pedialyte. How much can you give a 14 month old? He seems to be keeping the pedialyte down which is good. But I’m wondering if I should alternate it with water or milk or if just pedialyte is ok?

He doesn’t have any other symptoms no diarrhea, no fever, no dizziness, breathing ok. I just don’t want him to get dehydrated I’ll probably be up all night worried