Hairdresser fucked up my hair yay 🙄


I had dark brown hair right. I had box dye on it for like 6 months and it was pretty faded out. I wanted to go gray because my job only allows “natural colored” hair. I had two sessions with the same stylist she put black on top and bleached the bottom the first and the second she bleached and tried to put gray over. Now idk if the color didn’t take cause maybe my hair was to damaged from the bleach but it came out patchy and falling out after the color was put on and now I have to cut it from the top of my butt to my shoulders and I’m so upset about it. I’ve cried cause I haven’t had short hair since I was a child. When I didn’t have opinion on my appearance. I’m scared and sad that all my hair is gonna be chopped off. I washed it in some really high moisturizer conditioner and that helped a little but the ends are fucked. If any of y’all have words of support or horror stories of your own Id love to know I’m not alone. This place sucked I’m going back tomorrow to get my money back.