Questions about divorce?


Lately I feel like the only thing I want is to be divorced. I’ve shared many times on this app about my struggles with my husband. We’ve been together 6.5 years in total. Got married young. Had our daughter young. He was in the military all 6 of those years. So it’s easy to say we’ve been through a lot. Maybe more than your average couple at age 25. But now that’s he’s out of the military I can’t help but see how much we’ve changed as people. Of course we still want the same things. Just different ways on how to get there. I’m in a transition from vegetarianism to veganism. He’s completely opposed to it. I’m not trying to force it on him. I just wish he supported me on this journey. Especially infront of family where there is the most confrontation about it. He’s a great provider, just falls short on the emotional aspect of things. He’s not a good partner. I can’t go to him with anything. I’m just too scared to bring up anything that might cause a fight. I’ve told him this before. And he just says he’s sorry that I feel that way. The other day he told me he was miserable and he knew I was. So maybe we should just cut ties. A part of me wanted to just say yes and be done with it. But what came out of my mouth was, don’t you want to try and save our marriage? Because a part of me still does. Some days are harder than others and I don’t know what I should do. I want to be here and try. But I feel like something is holding me back. We’ve talked about going to therapy. He’s very standoffish about therapy and how it could help us. He’s told me multiple times that me going to therapy myself is a joke. And that my depression isn’t valid because I’ve never been to war. I gave this man everything. And I feel like he let me down in a way. I need him so bad emotionally and he just can’t give it to me. I know my daughter can sense something is up with us. She’s always very clingy and sometimes just very emotional. And that makes my husband upset. He doesn’t understand why she has to be so emotional he says. And I’m just like dude, she’s 2.5 years old. She doesn’t understand what’s going on. It’s ok for her to be expressing her feeling. Let her feel them and work through them. Anyway, I just want us to be happy. Whether than be together or apart. I want my daughter to grow up with both her parents happy. And not faking a smile or the love. So I’m asking people that have come from divorced families. And people who are currently going through divorce. How did you handle it growing up? Did you wish your parents would’ve stayed together? Was is hard splitting up time? Any trauma from it? How were the kids effected during the process? Any advice at all is greatly appreciated. I’m trying to make the best decision for me and my daughter. I deserve to be happy and so does he.