Completely confused...


I have PCOS...

AF Jan. 1-9

Jan. 11 afternoon I got a positive opk

So to make sure later that night I use both the new and old ovulation testers both positive

Now this morning Jan. 12 I tested with the new tester and had a negative (didn't take a pic)

This afternoon I took another on the new tester and it was positive again

(I know I wrote 11-12-20, it happens when you've been working since 4am to 4 pm)

So to make surr again I tested with both testers tonight

Here's a pic of all the test strips(I know only go by what the reader says)

I'm confused...its only a couple days after my period and I've already have a positive opk (I know PCOS can cause false opk). And I had postives yesterday, negative this morning, and positives again this afternoon/night. Please help. Any advice is appreciated. I'm just new to this whole PCOS issue (found out in November) and I'm just trying to figure it out. Thanks in advance.