I don't feel wanted or appreciated

I have thought about posting asking for advice for a long time now but just kept telling myself things would get better... this has been going on for a few weeks now, my husband of almost 3 years has not been acting like the guy I fell in love with anymore.. he acts like he doesn't want to do anything with me or even speak to me half the time, I've told him how I feel and he keeps saying that he is going to change, he changes for a day and it's back to the same old stuff.. I just want to feel loved and respected by the man I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with!!

I work a 40 hour a week job 8 hour shifts a day and he barely works 20 hours in a week, I feel like I'm pulling all the weight while he get's to sit at home and play xbox all day, then when I come home from work he is still playing till the time we go to sleep and most of that time I'm being woken up from my sleep to him yelling on gone mic to his friends or the game, I don't care to provide for us and give us a better life but i don't think I should be working alone on that, I've asked him to get a better job and he keeps saying he will but never has...

Also whenever I'm away from the house he NEVER messages me making sure I made it to my destination okay or even a simple "how is your day going" text.. nothing. I don't speak to him till I get home and it's only a few words back and forth because like I said he is always playing xbox.

I feel so lonely and depressed because I feel like I'm doing things wrong to make him act this way but I really can't see how, we barely have sex, i feel like he isn't attracted to me anymore and i don't feel confident or beautiful the way I used to.. we have been through a lot in 3 years, we have separated twice and I felt like God brought us back together but at the same time I feel like he gives me signals and I keep ignoring them because I'm stubborn and I love this man, he never tells me thank you for all my hard work, I take college classes plus my 40 hours a week job, I'm stressed and I have to deal with bs on top of it!! Ugh!

I'm almost 21 years old, I married him when I was 17, he is 22 and he just isn't as mature as what I need or want him to be, I don't want to divorce him because it would kill me to be alone, he is my best friend.. we've had so many laughs and great times together but it's so hard wasting my time trying to get him to change and better himself for us just for him to continue his ways.

I'm in no way perfect or think that I am, I have my flaws and I've made mistakes before but I've NEVER made him feel anything less than perfect, and he makes me feel worthless at times.

Something has got to give and I'm all out of options, help!