Cloth Allergy? Mystery Rash

Jackie • Mom to Lucas 💙 May 2019, Ethan 💙 March 2021, and Hannah 🩷 coming April 2023

We've been cloth diapering my son for almost 8 months. Ever since he's started to move he's been getting a rash on the inside of his thighs. It is only here and not on the inside of the diaper at all. It's red and feels like dry skin. The more he crawls the worse it seems to get. Do you think he's allergic to the outside fabric? Is there something I can put on it? Something I'm doing wrong?

I put disposables on him for an afternoon with Desatin just to try and get it under control and within a couple hours it was almost completely better. I love cloth diapering and finally have a good stash that I love... I would hate to have to quit 😭...

Has anyone else had this experience? Ideas on what to do? Thanks everyone!