My baby wont sleep suddenly @ 8 weeks

My son is about to be 8 weeks old this coming week. He was sick a few days ago with bronchiolitis & RSV & started sleeping alot during the day & night & now that he is better he is still sleeping in the day and now not at night. Hes been up since 10 pm and its now 3am. Ive fed him 3 times & just don't know what to do. Ive put him to sleep 4 different times but he won't stay down longer than 20 minutes at a time. Any advice how to get him back on track? I am getting some first time mom anxiety again from this & I'm just drained. I also stopped swaddling him which is something he is use too..& just started to try and get him into his crib and out of my bed..No matter what I do he just won't go down😭 so FUSSY.