Bad mom?


So I'm at my wits end...and I'm not sure if this makes me a bad mom or what but l....has anyone just let their babys play and play until they were so tired they willingly go to sleep or even maybe by the grace of God fall asleep on their own? I am a ftm , with an 8 month old who will not sleep! He has become so strong that now when I get him going for a nap he pushes off of me. We usually rock him to sleep it's been the only way we could get him down for naps and bedtime this whole time...up until recently. These past few weeks have been...hell to say the least. He's learned to crawl, and stand all in one week. Pretty sure he's teething and everything we do just doesn't work.

It's so heart breaking to see him tired rubbing his eyes and yawning but he fights tooth and nail for that sleep...and when he does finally sleep with my assistance, he only sleeps from about 20 to 45 mins, ( that's if I keep holding him while he sleeps) worse if I put him down...

Same with bed, he wakes up a couple hours later and then fights throughout the night...I'm so exhausted and frustrated that I'm crying and taking it out on everyone but the baby of course. And his fun new thing is when I try to feed him his milk he only takes about half...he usually gets 6 oz every 4 hours and baby food in between that about 3 times a day one full jar each time....I love him to death but when does it end.....or rather get better...