Always back burner...


My fiancé for almost a year now has put off our actual wedding for a year. Our last place we lived in together we ALWAYS had roommates. I thought we found this cute little starter house that we would move to and get married and our relationship would flourish. But it did the opposite and it has only been 2 weeks.

His 17 year old brother lives with us, is lazy, complains he's bored every 5 minutes, walks all over his brother, and calls me an asshole when I tell him to stay out of my stuff.

I dreamed of this house. I'm 21 and my fiancé is 19. Yes we're young but we're very mature. He works and I drive his brother to and from school (which prevents me from college or finding a job) and take care of our errands and housework and our pets.

I feel like everything has been done wrong in moving into a home I thought we would be starting our family in. Now that we were trying to have a baby, what would be the nursery is his disrespectful brothers room, who I can't send away because I'm supposed to stand behind my fiancé and his family and the kid has no place else to go.

Just tired of feeling like everything I dreamt of for our relationship is passing us by and now I just have to look at the next 4 years that his brother will be living with us, I won't want to get married because I want our space first, we can't have a baby because there's now too much going on, and my life is on hold all so he can give his brother a better place to stay. By better I mean he got kicked out of his aunt's house because he refused to get a job and pull his own weight. 😔

Edit on the trying to have a baby part: We both really want a baby. We are financially stable. We have a good home. Everything parents need to be is what we are. Now every time I mention having a baby all I hear is his brother across the house listening in screaming, "HEY NO BABY TALKING IM TOO YOUNG TO BE AN UNCLE." Like he now has a say so in our relationship. I just need someone that understands this.