traumatised forever



I’m going to make this quick so this is a basic summary:

When I was 11, I lived in a VERY very safe place in Hong Kong that was known to be one of the safest places in the city. I never had a problem there, so my parents trusted me at a very young age to do things independently and by myself. So, one day I went to the beach on a quite day, just to swim. After I was done swimming, I used the public bathrooms nearby the beach (idk y I did this, I was a fucking 11 year old idiot) even though there was a mall directly across the street which had actual bathrooms. Anyways. I was changing and suddenly I see this guy walk in, even though it was the woman’s changing room. I was confused and suddenly he managed to knock my stall door down with just a kick and started to touch me while recording with his ugly ass yellow phone case.

**That phone case still haunts me to this day.

He went further down my body, and eventually started to rape me. I was in shock, and I honestly didn’t know what to do. Like I said earlier, it was a quite day, so even if I screamed, no one would’ve heard me. After he was done, he ran off and I cried. I eventually got help though and the man got arrested. Yay!