Questions about god and his end game in all this?


So I am not religious. I was raised in a Lutheran home but left the church as soon as I could(after high school). Time to time I try to "believe" again, however I just don't understand the big picture of what this supposed God is trying to accomplish. People call him forgiving, yet he has been punishing the human race for Adam and <a href="">eve</a>'s bad decisions so it doesn't add up to me. He's forgiving, but thinks every human being needs to serve him and believe in him for eternity and pay the price for a bunch of whack heads thousands of years ago putting his son on the cross. For what purpose? To feed his ego? Why does he need to judge every human at the end of a life that he forced them to begin in the first place? I'm not trying to bash God or any religions, that's not the purpose of this post but can anyone give me some input? I'm sure I'm not the only one that has asked these questions...right?