Miscarriage or subchorionic haematoma ?



So I went for a scan at 6 weeks 5 days ( baby looked good heart beat was flickering away ) when I turned 7 weeks I had really bad pains ( felt like early labour ) went toilet to do a number two ended up passing clots and there was blood all over floor 🥺

Went hospital (7 weeks this was Friday ) and they said I’m having a miscarriage they kept me in went for scan next morning

Baby looked fine, yolk sac was looking all good, sonographer said ‘ there’s no heartbeat.

Sunday I continued to pass little and big clots like this

They told me take a test in two weeks if it’s positive I hade to go to the early Pregnancy clinic

Ps I’m a surrogate so it wasn’t my egg .

Anyone had anything the same or similar??

Pic attached