Trying to get rid of binki!

My son turned a year old on October. I finally took him off of bottles and now he only uses sippy cups! He also FINALLY stopped waking up at night. He would wake up at night and I would give him a bottle of milk and he would go back to sleep. I stopped giving him a bottle at night because I wanted him to sleep through out the night already! So once I threw away his bottles I stopped giving him milk at night. It was SOOO hard. He would wake up screaming crying waking milk but I never gave in! Took him three days to finally understand and would sleep through out the night! You guys don’t know how proud i am of myself!!! So now that we have that out of the way I want to move on the the next BIG thing! This dumb pacifier, binki whatever you call it! He’s not soo obsessed with it. I’m not gonna lie he can go a day without it if I don’t give it to him but during the night it helps him a lot. He uses it for nap time and for bed. I feel like since I got rid of the bottles I HAVE to get rid of the binki. The bottles wasn’t so hard cause he would only use them for night time so it wasn’t a big deal. So I’m here asking for how you ladies got your kids to get over the binki or what you did for your kids at night when it helped them sleep. I’m scared to just throw them away I don’t know how to deal with this one. Any tips ?