Mediumship reading


Had a mediumship reading yesterday to talk with my sister that passed away April of 2016.

With all readings, I’m very skeptical but Brianna cleared all of my doubts. There were some things mentioned that I didn’t know but was able to confirm with my sisters friend. I still keep going back to the messages and crying because I was able to talk to my sister through her.

I know she’s happy, she’s ok, and she’s at peace. Other family members have tried the same to reach out to my sister and haven’t been able to get much information. Brianna provided more information that anyone was able to get before.

This gives us hope and she has provided closure to me knowing that my sister is in a better place. Something I’ve never been able to get before. I’m still in tears from the joy of just knowing everything is going to be ok.

This may be removed but I’m hoping everyone will get a chance to read this before it’s gone.

Thank you again Brianna. You’ve helped heal some very deep wounds. And I will eternally be grateful for your help.
