Does my associates degree make me lesser?


I’ve been going to college since 2014 as a 14 year old as I was part of a special school program. I’m getting ready to graduate with my associates this semester but now I’m embarrassed by it. I’ve never been that great of a student ind I’ve often struggled with school especially since my medical problems started a couple years ago. I decided that I was just going to get an associates in biology and then start making something of my life. When I first decided to just get my associates I was really excited because I was going to be Graduating soon and I was so proud of myself because I was thinking about just dropping out but decided against it. I had a chat with some of the people in my class and they said that it’s an embarrassment to just get an associates and that it was basically a highschool diploma for lazy people. They said I’d never get a good job and that I was essentially lesser than them because I didn’t want to transfer to a four year college. I defended my self at first but now that I’ve been thinking about it I feel like shit, I feel like they’re right and I’m just taking the east way out, I really don’t want to keep going to school as I really don’t want to go into dept and have to keep dealing with my medical issues but I just feel like it’s a cop out now, I just don’t know anymore