I'm new and have a story.

I've been with my husband for 2 years now and I have a 3 months old with him. He was so so nice to me when we first got together and then he changed. He got violent and hes verbally abusive. He used to bite me to make me bleed I have scars from it. I was arrested for domestic violence because I false imprisoned him because he said he would kill his self by driving off a cliff. But he never got arrested to for pushing me against a wall while being 4 months pregnant and then he was calling a whole bunch of names and they were even in the report and nothing happened to him. He called the cops on me because I left and supposedly tried to kill the baby which was not true I stayed away so he didn't try killing the baby. And to this day he still calls me names and if I don't do what he tells me to he throws things around and yells at me. Hell even if I do what he tells me to he still ducking yells at me. It's heart breaking to know how much someone can change. I've thought about leaving but I love him so much and I dont want my son to grow up with out having a daddy around like I did.