Implantation bleeding, did y’all have it?

I’m 8dpo today

Last night I was laying down naked ready to go to sleep I had a feeling something came out of me and sure enough there was a dime sized blob of light pink (super light pink like pastel pink) cervical mucous

I thought af was coming so I wore a pad to sleep . Woke up nothing . Clean pad.

Wore one today just Incase and there was nothing I went pee right now when I wiped I saw this

It’s brown, not red or a shade of pink.

Idk what’s going on I usually have horrible horrible period camps 1 day before my period like I feel it in my back and down my legs and it’s weird how I haven’t cramped at all.

There’s nothing now after I wiped. I’m wondering if I should consider this implantation bleeding or just random mid cycle spotting (which from recent memory I’ve never had)

If it is implantation bleeding should I test tomorrow?