
So I’m 19 and I graduated high school in 2018 and my boyfriend is almost 23 and dropped out. I’ve been talking about going to community college because my state offers 2 years tuition free for community or trade school and of course I want to take advantage of it. I’ve been out of high school for almost 2 years and ever since I got with him I’ve been more motivated to get my life together and start actually building a life. Recently I submitted an application to my local college for welding. I told my boyfriend about it and he said sarcastically “oh wow look at you go you’re gonna be doing better than me”. I know he didn’t mean it in a bad way and he was being sarcastic but I kinda feel like he’s being hard on himself because he never made it that far. He’s been working odd jobs and he’s actually looking into getting his GED and getting a more stable job with benefits. I just want him to know that he’s doing the best he can and he shouldn’t compare himself to others even me. Neither of us had the best up bringing and we both moved out of our parents house at a young age. He has his own vehicle and house but I don’t have any of that. Yeah I get down and wish I had what he has but I always have to remind myself that it’s not my time & everything will fall into place when it’s ready. I guess I’m just asking to find out how I can make him feel better about himself and to help him realize that he’s doing great.