What do you girls think of this?

So basically me n my ex split up 5 months ago. We got together two August’s ago but have been on and off about 4 times since then till when we last split. I haven’t spoke to him since the break up, the past few days idk why but I’ve been really thinking of him n I’ve wakened in the middle of the night literally just with him on my mind. I’ve also noticed him staring at me quite a lot as since we live just a few houses down from each other, we go to the same school and obviously get the same bus therefore I see him quite a lot but anyway yeah looking at me deeply. Now, two nights ago I was in tears just begging for a sign on whether to wait for him or move on and yesterday I got quotes shown randomly about waiting for someone/he will come back sort of stuff. Today as I was walking home from our bus stop I heard a shouting from the bottom of the hill and it was him standing at the bottom, he ran up to me and we talked for a while in a flirty/funny way. I really dk what to think of it, opinions?