Day 5 Blastocyst ( Embryo Transfer )


Hi everyone 😊 haven’t been here in such a long time... My story is really long but I will make it short. I was ttc for 5 years but unfortunately I had no luck. I had many scans, tests...and there was no cause (unexplained infertility) So me and my hubby have been referred for

<a href="">IVF</a>

it took me 2 years to get to this point...where I am today ? Have 5 day embryos frozen successfully. Going for my embryo transfer on the 21.01. Is there anyone at the same stage as me ? Or someone who just had a transfer and it was successful? I would love to hear your stories and share tips ❤️ Maybe we can be buddies 😊 Baby dust to everyone trying to conceive 👶🏼🍀