Last cycle before IVF


My period is due any minute and it just does not get easier, does it? I thought that because I had my nurse consult for <a href="">IVF</a> and my prescriptions for all of my meds, that I would be like “let’s just get on with it” but a huge part of me just wants a miracle this cycle. Thinking about all of those shots, all of that money (we have zero coverage, shoot me) and just the disappointment that it didn’t work the way I thought it would these past two years...I haven’t quite accepted that this is going to be my path if I’m being honest. After this cycle, I have one more before I start a month of birth control, and with a possible/hopeful retrieval at the end of March. Anyone else have this intense hope/stress before they started <a href="">IVF</a>? The stress is crazy, and of course, I’m trying to “just relax”. Any tips for calming the f down would be great, or just any “been there, felt that” vibes:) Thanks ladies.