Giving money away

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️

How do you guys feel about someone having a big party and asking people to help them out with the costs ? For examples, someone getting married or having a big 15 or 16th birthday party for their daughters.

Do you think it’s okay to ask immediate family, close friends and even non close friends to help you out or should that come from on their own ?

I can’t imagine getting married or throwing a big party for my daughter and ASKING people to help me .. to me that’s crazy and I feel like I’d be pressuring them to say yes.

Two different people we know are asking us for that. One gets married in February, which WE DONT EVEN TALK TO MUCH. The other ones are throwing TWO girls a 15th birthday party and are asking us to help them out for June.. and it’s not just 50$ will do, it’s like 100-200$++ .. yeah we talk to them but I mean we’re crazy tight right now and I’m making this poll because my boyfriend thinks it’s rude to say no. I’m in nursing school and unemployed, he’s the only one working. He has a good job but going from two incomes to one takes some time to adjust especially after the holidays .

What would you do ? What do you think about that?

Personally, i tell my bf, I wouldn’t make such a big party if I can’t cover all of the costs myself. It’s different if my parents or in laws or even friends say ‘hey, I’ll help you with the cake or drinks or hell even the dj lol but I wouldn’t go asking

I have no idea if this is controversial if not I’m sorry!