How often do you wash your hair?


I used to wash my hair every day because it would get oily if I didn’t. I told my cousin that (she’s also my stylist) and she said the reason it does that is because I’m stripping the natural oils from my scalp so it’s over producing oils which is making my hair oily. I started training my hair by “weening” it from being washed every day. I started washing it every other day, and then every three days, etc, etc. I also used dry shampoo to help. My friend, who went to cosmetology school, told me baby powder helps her more than dry shampoo. It just takes longer to work in to your hair. I have yet to try that one.

My original meaning for this poll was to prove a point to my fiancé because he thinks it’s gross that I don’t wash my hair every day lol but I know it’s good for it. It’s Monday and it’s the first day I’ve washed my hair since Wednesday🤷🏻‍♀️ My sister is the same way. She washes her hair every Sunday and that’s it because she has a VERY dry scalp so it hardly produces any oils.

I’m curious to know how often you ladies wash your hair and if you have any tips on hair care!!

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