
Rant! Sorry!

I’m miserable I found it at 4 weeks and I’ve been miserable every since! The constant headaches, nausea, vomiting! I feel terrible for feeling like this but I really can’t wait for this to be over! This is our second and the way I’m feeling I never want to get pregnant again! I can barely get out of bed, make store runs or anything! I’m ready to quit my job! I wish I was being dramatic but this baby is really taking a toll on me! I am 14 weeks 3 days and I swear I haven’t had a bit of relief! I took a week off from work and I’m dreading going back tomorrow! I’ve tried natural relief, I’ve tried medication nothing is working! I cried last week because I feel like I am being a horrible mom to my toddler and wife to my husband! Although, they’ve seemed very understanding during this time I can’t help but to just feel miserable! I’m not even excited and I hate that I feel that way! If it was just vomiting here and there or a headache here and there I would be okay! But it’s 24/7 I wake up and i go to sleep like this! I’ve also lost 15 pounds 😭. Rant over sorry ladies!