My girlfriend broke up with me...


So my girlfriend and I had dated for about a month, and then her dad got super angry at her for a completely different reason (she didn’t even really do anything wrong) and said that we had to break up because he doesn’t approve of her being a lesbian. She called me in tears and couldn’t speak legibly, so she gave the phone to her sister who explained the situation. It immediately hit me harder than anything in the world has ever hit me, I fell to the floor and cried alone for awhile, and then called my cousin for emotional support.

We had been friends since second grade (we’re both 14 now, she’s almost 15) and I had a crush on her when I met her in second grade. I love her with everything I have, everything I am, and then some. She is my world, and yesterday that cracked. My heart took a hit and I cried for I don’t even know how long. She said we needed to take a break.

That was yesterday.

Today, she calls me and explains that her dad took it back! You’d think this would be good news, right? I thought so too. She then explains that he’ll do the same thing again and it’ll hurt me and she won’t be able to make me feel better. She says I’m not gonna be a pawn. She says she’s not going to hurt me again, even if that means she’ll be alone... we broke up. My world is spinning, my heart is breaking, I can’t think. One thing she said really hurt me; ‘You and I were a thing’.

A THING? A thing. Really? A thing? You were my EVERYTHING! My sun and moon, the day to my night, The breath in my lungs! (I know this is suuuper cringy, I don’t care) and you call us a THING? Like I’m just another tool in the work shed? You were my work shed! Although, She says even though we’re not together, we’re still best friends and im stuck with her forever, which is great!

I still love her, and I hope she still loves me... the picture is her. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. But that’s only one of my many, MANY things that made me love her. She’s strong (mentally and physically), bold, caring, protective, and the best friend you could ever imagine.