Successful VBAC after this type of c-section?


Hi everyone! Please stick with me here.. in need of encouragement.

So I had an emergency c section with my first baby 9 months ago. I went in to be induced at 40 weeks exactly at 9pm because I gained 11 pounds the last week and my blood pressure was high. By 5:30 am my water naturally broke and I was pushing shortly after, for 4 hours.

She was super close to coming out, you could see her head coming, but after intense back labor and lack of progress, they decided an emergency c section was best to prevent paralysis (terrifying).

The numbing wasn’t working so they put me under general anesthesia. I started losing a lot of blood and they ended up “kicking” my husband out of the OR.

A while later they invited him back in to see our beautiful baby daughter weighing in at 8lbs 5oz and perfectly healthy. (With a head in the 99th percentile!!)

A couple hours later I woke up and was okay.

I was traumatized by the whole situation and still am. I hate that that was my first birthing experience. I hate that I feel like my body failed me. ( I know a lot of people will say my body didn’t, but I can’t help but feel that way. Especially after trying so hard the natural way.. and it not working).

So my question is, if you’re still reading, did anyone at all have this same situation or a similar one, and still experience a successful vbac? I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I may never give birth the way I’ve always imagined.. the doctor said only 30% of people with my situation have successful vbacs. Is there any of those 30% on here..?

I know a healthy baby is what’s most important, but I just hate that I want able to give birth that way..