Formula fed baby

C. • MC June 2018 MC November 2018. 🌈 baby girl arriving Dec 2019

So my 1 month old is formula fed. I unfortunately could not breastfeed. With that being said, she is on a gentle formula with iron so her poops are like an army green. How do I keep her cloth diapers from staining with the green poop? I plan on spraying them out in the toilet as soon as she poops and I plan on doing the wash every day or every other day, but what other things can I do? What is the best laundry detergent? Right now I wash all her clothes and our clothes with arm and hammer sensitive the liquid with no fragrance. Would that work with the cloth diapers?

Also, I have the Alva baby cloth diapers, would it make sense to do the insert on the outside of the pocket rather than the inside that way I have less chance of staining the diaper?

Thanks is advance.