Are you afraid of dying? What do you think happens after we die?


Do you fear dying/death? Why/why not?

What are your opinions/theories of what happens after we die? (Heaven, hell, reincarnation, etc.)

My theory is that after we die there is nothing. No life, no consciousness, no feelings. We are not aware and no longer exist just like we didn’t exist before we were born.

Our brain stores our memories and personalities and makes up who we are. Once our brain dies so do our memories and personalities.

People who have experienced NDE’s (near death experiences) have described feelings of contentment, peace, love, a tunnel, and a bright white light. I think that can be explained by the lack of oxygen to the brain when it’s shutting down and it releasing chemicals like endorphins to help the body cope with death.

I think it’s completely possible for a brain deprived of oxygen to hallucinate, which would explain the light, tunnel, and seeing loved ones. There are also a few scientists who say that the brain releases DMT (a powerful natural hallucinogen) during this process as well as when your sleeping/dreaming.

*This is just a theory and could be completely wrong since no one really knows for sure

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