Trigger warning


Ladies, please pray for me. 13 weeks, Last night I felt like I peed myself and went to the bathroom and there was a pads worth of blood. I left my job and went to the ER and baby had a strong heartbeat of 152, and was wiggling around seemingly fine. Cervix checked and it was shut and looking good. They sent me on my way. Few hours later I was in the car waiting on my man to get off and all the sudden my pants were soaked with lots more runny bright red blood made it inside to the bathroom and blood just flowed from me in the toilet for a while. I already had a doctors appointment at 8:30 am. Followed up there and the status was the same, seemingly fine. I was just asleep for work tonight and wake up out of nowhere and am bleeding again. This can’t be okay, not after losing this much fresh blood today something’s gotta be wrong. If I bleed through the night I’ll follow up with the doctor but I just feel like I’m losing my rainbow baby. 😔