
I was looking forward to completing my family. I have a little girl who is 17 months old and am pregnant with a little boy I am 26 weeks along.

At our 20week scan we found babies long bones to be 4 weeks behind. We found out he was a boy and couldn't be happier but scared

At 24 week we went to see a specialist they told us he not only had short limbs but clubbed feet and an abnormal shaped head but still didn't know exactly what we were dealing with

26 weeks well yesterday to be exact we saw another specialist who told us if we go through with this pregnancy the best case scenario for bubs was to spend the next 3 years in and out of hospital, if the head gets worse he will need surgery for his skull and have to start treatment on clubfoot as well as having back problems for most of his life as well as other problems and worse case he dies after being born.

So we have been given the termination talk. I don't want my baby to go through pain for most of his life. My husband and I both have depression and anxiety so mentally and also financially we aren't equipt to have a special needs baby and I'm struggling to come to terms that this is what we will have to do for the good of our family and the good of this little boy that I can still feel kicking inside of me.

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You have to make the best decision for you, your family and whatever YOU decide is best for your son. I’m 30 weeks with our baby boy. And we know he has lots of genetic problems. We’ve decided to do only comfort care when he is born. Which means they won’t poke or prod him, or intervene medically after delivery. They will just pass him to us, so he can be loved and looked after, safe in our arms until he passes. It feels like the most selfish thing in the world, but also the least selfish thing at the same time. For me and my husband, we just don’t want to endure his suffering or discomfort. I don’t want to keep him alive as a puppet just because we’re not ready to say goodbye. Some people are taken from us far too soon. And other people are made to endure their life for much longer than they should have to. But ONLY YOU can make that call about your boy. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to your family, and making decisions like this. And in my experience, a mother’s instinct is usually right. Let that guide you. I don’t know all the ins and outs of your sons case and diagnosis. But you only need to worry about what you think is best for him. I never got the option for termination. But we’ve also come to terms with accepting we won’t be taking our baby home. It’s such a personal thing. And you ultimately have to make the call about if your loss now is going to outweigh the suffering he will endure during his life. Sending you all my love. If you ever want to talk, please message. You’re not on your own with any of this. And I don’t believe the universe puts you through these things if you can’t handle them. You will be okay and get through it regardless of what you do or what happens. ❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
My son was born with bilateral club foot, low muscle tone, a misshapen head, torticollis, collagen 6 mutation. Plus many more issues. The specialist while pregnant asked us to terminate,doctors don’t have all the answers. You have to do what’s right for your little one you will get through this mama! Try to breathe, I know easier said than done


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I work with adults with various disabilities. Most of them never let it hold them back. Doctors may say one thing and have a completely different outcome. One man wasn’t expected to live past six months and has put lives both of his parents. His is a high need man, but enjoys the simple things. Specifically he enjoys the recliner, music with bass (as he is deaf) and French toast.


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I am so sorry that you have to make a decision like that. My prayers are with you and your family.