First IUI today 1-23

Amanda • 💝 TTC #1 w/ PCOS & Fibromyalgia 🙈💍 2/18/17 💝

Hello all. I'm nervous here. Keeping happy and positive thoughts. I had my trigger shot yesterday and go in, in a few hours. We have been trying for 4 years now for our first. It will work! This is my year. And I would like to be able to say I am pregnant on my 3rd anniversary

Any advice out there for a first time? The shot made me feel weird. Slightly crampy after 20 mins and especially on the side with the biggest follicles.

I keep seeing people testing after? Why? What test is being used?

This is early in my cycle to be ovulating.. I normally dont until day 23... it's only day 13. Not sure how this will affect my cycles.