My BF's "Communication Skills"


My boyfriend lacks them. A lot. When we're good, we're REALLY good, but when we're not so great? It's draining. It's only happened twice, but there are times when we'd get into a small disagreement and he'll get upset about it. We'll talk and everything like normal hours later, then he'll stop responding and completely ignore me for days. This gets in my head DEEP, because of anxiety and a fear of abandonment. I know for a fact he isn't going to leave me, and I know he isn't cheating. He purely lacks communication skills at times. Last time this happened, he ignored me for a week- a crucial week, 2 friends of mine died in the matter of 3 days, and he continued to ignore me, knowing I was hurting more. He's just SO freaking stubborn when something gets in his head he has to roll with it. Last time we started back talking because I told him I'd come over and see him, which he felt like I had chose not to do when I had the chance a week prior. He started back ignoring me yesterday, and it's been driving me crazy, because no matter how angry someone is in a relationship, they should always be able to say "I love you too". But not him, when he ignores, he IGNORES. I don't really know what I'm asking with this post.. We're not breaking up, no one's cheating, he just sucks sometime. And it gets in my head and really messes with me, like I did something wrong to him, KNOWING I didn't.