Nursery/room photos

Samantha • Mommy of an angel boy 👼 💙🌈 and an earthside boy 🤰 expecting March 2023 👰 married 🐱🐱 fur-momma to two

So my fiance and i might not be able to move out by the time our baby boy is here like I wanted so I'm trying to make myself feel better by figuring out the best way to organize our room.

We live in a garage turned studio apartment type room that has enough room for our bed, desks, couch with a bigger ottoman and coffee table. We have a closet rack we use for hanging clothes and our own separate bathroom attached to our room. We have a dining table in one corner of the room currently but if we are still here by the time baby comes (5 months away), we are getting rid of the table and that corner will be a nursery area I think.

Anyways, i was gonna see if anyone could show pictures of a combined nursery/master bedroom or nursery in a studio apartment??