Being gossiped about

I’m having a really hard time living in a small town. There’s a long story behind why but my family does not know about my bf because of their “old way of thinking” (which is kinda like courting). I am 21 and old enough to make my own decisions and the reasons why they are not for my relationship is because of our “cultural differences”. They basically were gonna force me to stop talking to him or kick me out. My friends are aware of this and because it is a small town news travels fast. I confided in one of my friends about this awhile back and she is now hardcore judging me for the decisions I’ve made. It’s been hard because she makes many comments. Like tonight she was in my room and said that my room smells like a guy has been in here. And I told her no. Her response was well you never know these days. Idk it just felt super judgements and rubbed my the wrong way. I have stopped telling her things for awhile, but because it is such a small town she hears stuff about us. Not really sure what to do or how to handle this. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know :)