Daily Check In 1/24

N • TTC #2, 1st IVF Cycle, diagnosis: severe endo & adenomyosis. 2 mc and 4 surgeries in 2 years, I am finally getting to continue IVF. SET/FET 12/16/19

Hey Ladies! Well I am back at the doctor for a follow up on this sub chorionic hematoma. Hoping baby is still ok. I still have bleeding but not a a lot like the other day. I do have a lot of pressure on my lower left side. I feel it mostly after I walk some. Probably why the doctor said I need bed rest through all of next week. They also upped my progesterone from 2 to 3 times a day. So now o do 3 pessaries and my PIO shot. They said progesterone helps relax the uterus. Let’s hope it all helps!! 8 weeks and 4 days today! Crossing fingers!

Tell me how you are all doing! I know we have some transfers today!! How exciting! Good luck to everyone! 💜💜💜💜