Feeling Defeated and need positive stories for hope.. 😞

After 2 miscarriages naturally conceived, we decided to try <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> as we already been trying for 2 almost 3 years. We did all the tests possible genetics and all. All came back with great results. Did the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> steps collected 7 eggs only 4 fertilised. We were meant to go in for a transfer today and just got the call from the scientist telling us none of them made it to blast stage. What’s next for us? It’s so devastating. Why is it so hard to have a baby? 😭😭

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Posted at
I&#x27;m so sorry to hear that. Dont lose hope! Have you tried ICSI? My doctor seemed to think that would give us the best chance of our eggs fertilizing and despite the very few eggs retrieved (4), two of mine made it to 3 days with ICSI - now 9 weeks pregnant.


K • Jan 25, 2020
We also used ICSI! My husband had a vasectomy years before we got married, and had it reversed shortly after the wedding. His numbers were technically alright most of the time, not terrible but not super strong either, so the dr recommended ICSI for sure.


Posted at
I’m so sorry. Our first round of IVF didn’t work. No blastocycts. We tried a second round and used ICSI and we had 11 blastocycts from that round andNow currently pregnant. Honestly, IVF is a roll of the dice and you never know what you’ll end up with. Praying for you. It’s a devastating process sometimes and everything is out of our control which makes it so tough!


Posted at
So sorry you go through this. Definitely talk to your dr but also get a second opinion maybe...Before my FET in December I did a hysteroscopy, which I did not do before my first transfer and I also did and am still doing the progesterone shots which were not included in my treatment with my last transfer. They really seem to help. Best of luck for next time!


Posted at
I’m so sorry. Hoping you get another chance to try again, if that’s what you want. I can imagine how disappointed and deflated you must feel.


Posted at
I&#x27;m so sorry the process failed you. I hate that this is a thing, but often times your first round is more of a trial to see how everything works out. Some women get lucky their first try and thev there&#x27;s many of us that are left feeling like WTF. But, the doctor can make adjustments to protocol for next time (if it&#x27;s possible for you to do another cycle). 2 out of my 3 retrievals yielded 0 blasts and then we had one cycle with 5 blasts. For me, the doctor added lupron to my protocol and adjusted the menopur dose each try. Some couples have better fertilization with ICSI, some add omnitrope to the mix for egg quality...there are so many different protocols and combinations to try depending on your diagnosis. Keep the faith. This isn&#x27;t the end and hopefully they will figure out a better plan if you decide to try another time. I&#x27;m really sorry again. It is a loss and I know exactly how you&#x27;re feeling right now, and it&#x27;s ok to mourn this cycle and feel sad, frustrated, etc. But please don&#x27;t lose hope.


Da • Jan 25, 2020
Also, just curious- will your lab allow the embryos to grow an extra day? I&#x27;m currently pregnant with a frozen day 6 blast that was not quite ready on day 5.


Posted at
I’m so sorry, that is such a hard setback. Could you do another retrieval eventually?


K • Jan 25, 2020
Our 4th IUI cycle ended in August. Had to wait several weeks to be seen by the dr again, so we started prepping for the IVF retrieval in late Sept. Did the retrieval on 10/16, then waited out another cycle for the PGS results. Finally implanted on 12/12. This one is working so far 🤞🙏 so we’re hoping she goes all the way! But it has been about a year sonce our first fertility appointment. So much waiting.


Co • Jan 25, 2020
Thanks for the positivity hun. It has been a long and tough road. Hoping next round would be a success. How long did you have to wait between your cycles to try again?


K • Jan 25, 2020
Another round of waiting :( Hopefully they’ll be able to recommend some swift next steps. Hope you have the time and support you need rn to process. We went through 4 different IUI cycles before even starting IVF, and I know how every setback makes it all feel exponentially longer.


Posted at
Oh no!!! That&#x27;s terrible news!! I&#x27;m so sorry!!!


Posted at
They didn’t want to try transferring anything anyway? I had that happen twice but both times were transferred varying stages between 6 cells and morula (unfortunately none took, but it’s not unheard of for lower grades to work)


Co • Jan 25, 2020
No. They just said it’s unfortunately and we will need to see the Dr to figure out our next steps. 😕