Is a second blood test necessary?


I'm expecting with my first. Approximately 5 weeks. Had blood test to confirm the pregnancy on Monday. Called today for the results and I didn't get the HCG number. They just told me that yes, I am pregnant🙄. My sister has given birth to 3 babies, and is pregnant with her 4th and shes insisting that I call and get the HCG #, and get a requisition for more blood work to be sure that HCG # is on the rise.

Did you guys do this? She admits that she obsesses. And I am TRYING not to stress and obsess... I mean... if something is wrong I'll know...right? She says not necessarily. I don't want to stress. And now I'm stressing about this because I'm not sure if it's entirely necessary😩.

Please let me know what you guys did. Thanks in advance, guys.❤

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