

I need help you guys.. I got a period on the 8th of January, it’s was basically over the 12th.. I continued to have the brown stuff everyday after up until today.. I took a pregnancy test on Monday 1/20 and it was faint, my doctor told me to take another one to see how that was and it was the same.. She sent me for blood work that same day and my HCG levels were 12, she said either I was too early or I miscarried.. I went again on Wednesday 1/22 and my levels were 13, then again on Friday 1/24 and my levels were 15.. Their saying that it may be an ectopic or in my tubes.. I’m so confused, scared, emotional and sad.. I don’t want to do a procedure because we don’t even know how far along I am if I had a regular period on January 8th.. I want to wait it out to see if my levels rise like they should.. I have taken so many test and they all have a line, most are somewhat faint but very clear to see.. Has anyone been through this before, what should I do? I don’t want to do no procedures or take any meds and things could have been ok.. Help