A year ago today! UPDATE


A year ago today I was sitting in my bathroom cleaning under the sink.. pulling out boxes and boxes of pregnancy tests that all were negative, OPK test, and a empty box of tampons that I wish stayed full! A year ago today I felt like less of a women and more like a failure. Asking myself WHY AM I NOT PREGNANT?! HOW AM I NOT PREGNANT? but here I am a year later cuddling my 7 week old baby girl watching her take a huge poo on me as I type this 😂❤️ don’t give up ladies my boxes turned into a beautiful tiny human 😍

Ladies sorry I didn’t respond sooner, for those who asked what I did differently?! I tried pre-seed .. and it didn’t work, we then switched to prentatals for both men and women and I don’t think that worked either so we just all together stopped trying. (This was now March when I conceived so the beginning of March ) I told him let’s not try anymore because in April my birthday was coming up / our Cancun trip! Who wants to be pregnant on vacation 😆 so what’ happened ?!!! A week before our trip and my birthday I found out I was expecting! I think not stressing and just knowing when your time comes (WHICH IT WILL) then you just need to trust the process 🥰 so with that being said I’m sorry it’s not any “real” technique to getting pregnant but I will say this EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED 😍 much love and baby dust!