How would you react?


Hi everyone long story....

Me and my partner had been trying to conceive for 2 years we both suffered 2 miscarriages so much heart ache I began to feel will I ever have a family I felt so empty I couldn't describe the feeling but I was so scared that my body couldn't not carry a child 😢 but then a miracle happened finally we got pregnant and we have our precious little Ray of sunshine Evelyn (this was always the name we would pick for a girl throughout all out losses) she came into the world through the most horrendous 36 hour labour which resulted in a emergency c section she's the most precious little soul I've ever set eyes on!

Here the part (what would you do or how would you react part)!!

My partners sister was pregnant same time as me and had her baby 3 months after mine this was her baby number 4! Her baby had no name for 3 weeks but she voiced that she wanted to have the initial (M) to go with her little girl as she already had 2 initial (A) her first girl is A initial and her second eldest initial A then 3rd M so she wanted this baby M to match....

3 weeks after baby was born my mother in law came around and said to my partner his sister was thinking of calling her baby EVIE... This was whilst I was upstairs... Men being men he didn't see the issue and said yeah whatever....

As most people know Evie is short for EVELYN and I was never approached and told this or even asked if all is OK so I got in touch with his sister and I tried my best to explain how its short for evelyn just like Joe is short for Joseph or Charlie short for Charlotte ect ect and that my little Evelyn will most likely be nicknamed evie when she is older and that I felt its too similar. I explained I was upset that she new what we had been through to get our little girl and she just kept saying diffrent name dont see the issue atall.

After all this she then went to Facebook and wrote a post about her little girl that she felt she couldn't post about her as her name as upset some family members and dragged my daughters name all over social media for people to have an unrelevant opinion...

At this point I was so hurt how can a family member want to hurt you and ruin things for you this is a person that knows that all you have been through loosing babies all the heart ache and pain and emptiness we had been through and she was hurting me even more..... I feel I finally had my baby I prayed and wished for and his sister has come along and ruined it and stolen my girls name... She still doesn't see an issue and I've told her over and over how I felt and now she wants to know what went wrong in our relationship....

I am normally a very forgiving person but I am so hurt I don't know if I will ever get past it 😢

This should of been the most happiest time for me and she caused so much upset.